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How to Form a Corporation in British Colombia

WARNING: Avoid doing it yourself! Since accountants are unable to provide this service in British Columbia, we collaborate with knowledgeable lawyers who offer it for a fair price. For a free consultation, contact us.


  • ​Looking to form a new corporation in Canada?

  • What are the income taxes benefits in Canada of creating a corporate structure?

  • Maybe I should stay operating as a sole proprietorship? 

  • How much it will cost to incorporate? What about accounting and bookkeeping fees?

  • Should I make my spouse a shareholder?

  • What classes of shares should I own? 

  • What type of bookkeeping system will I need? 

  • Should I pay myself in dividends or a salary?

  • Should a family trust own shares in my company?

  • What is a professional corporation, and do I need one?

  • What about income splitting and TOSI?

  • What happens if I sell my business? 

  • What about rental property in a corporation? Does that qualify for the small business exemption and when?

  • Can I have portfolio investments in my corporation? What are the tax consequences? 

  • What can I write-off? What can't I write-off?​

  • What is the difference between a federal and provincial company?

  • Do I need register for GST, WCB and payroll? 

  • What is the difference between Ltd, Inc, & Corp?


Contact us for answers to all questions and more? Will give you the advice you need to make an informed decision and guide you throughout the entire process free of charge with 30-minute consult. Call us before proceeding further, you will be glad you did!

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At JD Tax & Accounting Inc., we are committed to helping individuals and businesses file their taxes in a timely and accurate manner. Our highly trained and experienced staff are here to answer any of your questions and provide you with the best possible solutions for an "accounting service near me". We understand that filing taxes can be a stressful and complicated process, so we provide our clients with personalized attention and guidance. Our services are tailored to meet your needs and provide you with the best possible outcome. Let us help you get the most out of your tax filing experience.

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JD Tax & Accounting Inc.​

Suite 300, 22420 Dewdney Trunk Rd Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3J5

© 2023 by JD Tax & Accounting Inc.​

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